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Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports

Critical, timely intelligence on crude oil vessel and waterborne crude volumes.

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Get key intelligence into waterborne crude movements and real-time crude oil flow data

Keep track of the latest tanker movements and get transparency into US crude imports and exports. Track Russian crude exports, weekly load volumes, impact of reduced flows into Europe, trade flow changes and location of distressed cargos awaiting orders. Get an accurate, up-to-date view of European waterborne product movements to and from destinations across the globe, as well as comprehensive, weekly report of Rhine barge flows.

Red Oil Tanker moored at port with mooring rope against blue sky background.

Features and workflows

Timely updates on US Gulf Coast weekly commentary and analysis of key trends and vessel events in Europe and North America.

Key features of Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports: 

  • Compare net cargo flow measurements against our own storage data in the ARA region.  

  • Track product cargoes right to their final destination, even if that changes en route. 

  • Better understand loading volumes and where the supply is headed. 

  • Evaluate weekly exports by grade, load and discharge location and track destination changes. 

  • Understand fluctuations in inland barge demand and European refined products market. 

Wood Mackenzie's Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports provide data including: 

  • Our own storage data in the ARA region collected using highly calibrated infra-red cameras, aerial diagnostics and other in-house technologies. 

  • Accurate data feed of global shipping through our own VesselTracker data. 

  • Our export shipment data includes loading and discharge ports, and our import shipment data is broken down by crude type and delivery ports. 

  • Weekly export supplement two days before the EIA and weekly import supplement a day before the EIA. 

  • Overall volumes of refined products entering the Rhine each week. 

Wood Mackenzie's Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports enable a number of key workflows including: 

Trading Strategy: 

  • Leverage our data to monitor domestic loadings, including exports with ship names, volumes carried and destination information, to discover new pricing insights. 


  • Forecast trends of ARA gasoil/ULSD storage levels before they're published. Understand hidden trends, validate your analysis, and streamline your workflow. 

Why choose WoodMac’s Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports? 

Our Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports tie together actionable intelligence with market developments and analysis. Powered by a combination of industry expertise from our analysts, and terrestrial and satellite data from our extensive AIS network, our reports provide a comprehensive view of waterborne crude flows.

Our Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports

North American Waterborne Crude Report

Pipeline flow data connected to key storage hubs and refineries in the mid-continent, including Western Canada, Bakken, Permian Niobrara, SCOOP and STACK. Use our real-time flow data to front run Cushing crude inventory data from the EIA.

Download our product overview

European Waterborne Products Report

Gain a more global picture of key refined products flows across Europe and the Atlantic with weekly data and analysis. Access a comprehensive weekly report of flows compiled from AIS Satellite data and proprietary storage data.

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Russia Waterborne Crude Service

With a coverage of more than 80% of long-haul pipeline capacity in Western Europe, get an unparalleled view of critical oil pipeline flows serving key refining areas in Western Europe, including the Druzhba system.

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Rhine Oil Barge Report

Access accurate weekly data and analysis of refined product flows from the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) region to destinations on the Rhine.

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Pipeline flow data connected to key storage hubs and refineries in the mid-continent, including Western Canada, Bakken, Permian Niobrara, SCOOP and STACK. Use our real-time flow data to front run Cushing crude inventory data from the EIA.

Gain a more global picture of key refined products flows across Europe and the Atlantic with weekly data and analysis. Access a comprehensive weekly report of flows compiled from AIS Satellite data and proprietary storage data.

With a coverage of more than 80% of long-haul pipeline capacity in Western Europe, get an unparalleled view of critical oil pipeline flows serving key refining areas in Western Europe, including the Druzhba system.

Access accurate weekly data and analysis of refined product flows from the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) region to destinations on the Rhine.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie’s Waterborne Crude and Refined Products Reports. If you have any other questions, get in touch. 

The reports are produced using Woodmac's VesselTracker data – which boasts the most comprehensive and accurate data feed of global shipping – to follow cargoes from their loading ports to their final destinations. By carefully monitoring each vessel using AIS satellite technology, Woodmac can accurately estimate true volumes of refined product flows to their final destination. 

  • Traders 

Beat the competition with tools to forecast trends of crude oil storage levels before they are published. 

  • Analysts  

Uncover market trends intelligence you can't get elsewhere with extensive data that informs your analysis and streamlines your workflow.

Access insight into both weekly and monthly exports and imports, including key details into the trends affecting waterborne movements. 

  • Transportation & Shipping Professionals 

Access critical information on bids, offers, and transactions for deliveries, helping you to strengthen operations and make smarter decisions. Use this data to identify new developments and stay informed on ever-changing market dynamics.  

Weekly PDF report delivered via email, access to data through the online dashboard, and email alerts for important market events. 

Weekly export supplement two days before EIA data, weekly import supplement one day before EIA data, and weekly export and import preliminary supplement on the Friday before EIA data. 

Five-week outlook on expected US imports with volumes by PADD.

Contact an expert

With an accurate, up-to-date view of waterborne crude and refined product movements to and from destinations across the globe, you can better gauge the global product markets and anticipate the curve. Get in touch with our experts today to learn how you can leverage the data and insights of our reports. 

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
Aerial view of cargo ship running on sea close warehouse harbour at Thailand .