Products & services

M&A Service

Screen for precedent-setting transactions, benchmark company performance, and go beyond company-reported data for the objective, big-picture industry view.

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Keep on top of M&A developments, emerging trends and buying opportunities

As spend on M&A soars with deals pouring out of the US Lower 48 and activity spreading out across the globe, you need a complete picture to effectively assess potential business deals.

Our M&A Service offers a proprietary, in-depth analysis and metrics that uncover the underlying value and strategic drivers of global upstream transactions to help you objectively benchmark, evaluate and manage M&A opportunities.

Features at a glance

Understand why deals are done, quantify underlying value using proprietary valuation metrics and benchmark transactions globally on a clear and consistent basis. The M&A Service gives you our outlook for regional and resource theme M&A so you can pinpoint the areas where low oil prices are depressing valuations and get a complete picture.

You will receive:

  • Access to an interactive data tool with weekly updates for deals >US$10 million from 2001 to the present
  • Rapid insight on major deals, with most published within three days
  • 400 attributes per deal, including our proprietary Implied Long-Term Oil Price metric
  • Activity reviews monthly, quarterly and annually
  • At least 15 M&A market podcasts providing monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual updates
  • Access to our Downstream (Refinery and European Fuel Marketing) transaction dataset through a downloadable Excel file, updated monthly
  • 50+

    deal pipeline updates that include rumoured deals from the market

  • 400

    attributes per deal

  • 72 hour

    turnaround for major deal analysis

  • 15+

    market and trend insights per year