LNG Carbon Emissions Tool
An independent evaluation of carbon emissions in the LNG sector
Evaluate carbon emissions along the LNG value chain
Evolving emissions policies and changing corporate positioning has led to an emphasis on the transparency of emissions associated with the production and supply of LNG. The LNG Carbon Emissions Tool is an independent and transparent source of secondary data, that provides a granular estimation of carbon emissions along the LNG value chain and enhanced coverage of LNG supply projects, shipping, and import terminals.

Features and workflows
LNG Carbon Emissions Tool provides credible estimates of emissions from global LNG projects, helping you understand their competitive positioning based on carbon intensity and the potential impact of carbon costs to inform buying strategies.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's LNG Carbon Emissions Tool:
- Estimates of LNG value chain GHG emissions for any cargo.
- Comparisons of LNG emissions from different sources into defined markets.
- 19 key emissions sources along the LNG value chain & 15,000+ possible shipping routes.
- Assessment of potential ‘cost of carbon’ at varying carbon prices.
- Clear, detailed, and transparent methodology for our emissions estimations.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Carbon Emissions Tool provides data on:
- Emissions estimations for all operational and under construction LNG projects, as well as those we expect to take FID in the next 6 months.
- Estimates of CO2 and CH4 emissions from 19 distinct emissions sources along the LNG value chain, from upstream production to final gas combustion.
- Vessel size, speed, voyage route options, and propulsion technology selection options for calculating shipping emissions with the latest ship performance data.
- For North American projects - Select the sources (basins) for gas and the ability to include Certified Gas.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Carbon Emissions Tool enables a number of key workflows including:
- Estimate the carbon emissions for any cargo based on the source, destination and voyage/shipping characteristics.
- Compare the carbon emissions from multiple LNG projects supplying a specified regasification terminal, or the emissions from one LNG project into multiple regasification terminals.
- Benchmark the emissions intensity of multiple LNG projects, offering a detailed breakdown of the key differences in emissions between projects along the LNG value chain.
- Benchmark the LNG related emissions for every supply country across the globe.
- Assesses the potential carbon liability of LNG cargo based on a selected carbon price.
Why choose WoodMac's LNG Carbon Emissions Tool?
Granularity and accuracy - The high level of detail of our LNG emissions data ensures results are more accurate.
Enhanced data solution – Visualise, customise, and download data with improved functionality in an easy-to-use, web-based tool.
Integrated – The LNG Carbon Emissions Tool is developed in line with all of Wood Mackenzie’s data and research, ensuring you have the most up-to-date data.
The industry standard reference for LNG emissions
Sellers, buyers, regulators, and traders are becoming more focused on the carbon footprint of LNG supplies. While the availability of “primary” data is increasing in some parts of the value chain, there is a significant need for reliable sources of “secondary data” to provide a comprehensive picture of emissions from source to final consumption.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's LNG Carbon Emissions Tool. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Our bottom-up methodology leverages our proprietary data and analyses of LNG projects. This includes upstream assets, pipelines, and plants.
Our standardised approach lets you compare project emissions profiles on an "apples-to-apples" basis. We focus on the most important emissions sources, use direct calculation of carbon emissions where possible, and produce estimations based on key characteristics of each project.
- Provides a considerably higher level of accuracy due to the detailed assessment of the individual sources of emissions.
- Incorporates key environmental factors affecting efficiencies and thus emissions (eg. ambient air temperatures for liquefaction and seawater temperature ranges for regas).
- Allows the inclusion of Certified Gas for North American projects and the setting of electric power composition for grid supplies.
- Uses gas pressure data and estimates to more accurately assess compression fuel use for pipelines and gathering/boosting.
- Provides more flexibility for the user to accurately define the cargo size and voyage required – including more choice of vessel sizes, routes, speeds, etc.
- Extensive calibration against actual data from public domain sources and through interactions with operators.
- Web based platform allows greater accessibility across organisations.
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Contact an expert
Contact us today to learn more about how the global LNG project emissions estimations in our LNG Carbon Emissions Tool can help you understand the competitive positioning project based on carbon intensity and inform buying strategies.