Fiscal Service
Trusted analysis and modelling of global fiscal terms
Break through fiscal complexity, with analysis and modelling of global fiscal terms
Fiscal Service improves your planning and negotiating power with the most credible, verifiable and trustworthy analysis and modelling of global fiscal terms.
The service provides instant fiscal insights and tools that enable you to monitor the latest trends, evaluate licensing rounds, benchmark global fiscal systems, and assess fiscal competitiveness.

Features and workflows
With Fiscal Service, E&P companies, investors and governments can review existing terms and enhance their negotiating power by referencing our independent analysis.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Fiscal Service:
- Fiscal Benchmarking Tool for benchmarking of fiscal systems under different assumptions of future oil and gas prices, discovery sizes and costs.
- Upstream Competitiveness Index for comparison of fiscal attractiveness with fiscal stability, prospectivity and cost environment.
- Global Fiscal Terms Database to quickly assess 150+ countries’ fiscal terms and tax rates for exploration opportunities.
- Fiscal summary reports and insights to understand the fiscal terms and economic results.
Wood Mackenzie's Fiscal Service provides data including:
- 150+ fiscal regime summaries.
- 60 fiscal and licensing reports per year.
- 750 field economics per fiscal system.
- 250+ upstream analysts on hand for support.
Wood Mackenzie's Fiscal Service enables a number of key workflows, allowing you to:
- Screen and benchmark fiscal terms across global regimes.
- Identify fiscal challenges under different investment opportunities.
- Compare government share and investor returns across 150+ fiscal regimes under a wide range of hypothetical exploration investment assumptions.
- Assess the relative competitiveness of your fiscal terms within bespoke peer groups.
- Understand the change in your fiscal competitiveness under different future economics assumptions (e.g. oil prices).
- Build on the analysis to develop the best fiscal terms for new licensing rounds.
Why choose WoodMac's Fiscal Service?
- Renowned quality from embedded industry relationships and networks, built and nurtured over 50 years.
- Trusted fiscal coverage, driven by deep knowledge of each region and the intricacies of the tax positions of every asset, built up over decades.
- Global coverage on an unrivalled scale, built from the bottom up, asset by asset. Verified.
- 250 analysts located in every operational hub globally, covering all aspects of the upstream sector.
- Fully integrated, cross-commodity data and analysis delivers an unparalleled level of depth and understanding of the energy value chain.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Fiscal Service. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Fiscal summaries for 150+ countries.
Fiscal Benchmarking Tool to compare post-tax economics .
Upstream Competitiveness Index to identify countries offering the best fiscal terms relative to their exploration potential.
Global fiscal terms database with each country's latest exploration terms and fiscal changes over time.
Insights into fiscal and licensing rounds.
Analysis of fiscal changes from our team of 250+ global upstream analysts and petroleum economists.
Key insight reports delivered throughout the year to inform and streamline your negotiations.
The most thorough analysis from our unrivalled team of 250+ global upstream analysts and petroleum economists.
Monthly briefings alerting you to all the key fiscal events, licensing rounds, and ongoing fiscal discussions.
In-depth topical insights throughout the year on issues designed to inform your negotiations, including indirect tax liabilities and fiscal terms for unconventional resources.
E&P companies, investors, governments and NOC’s focused on:
Exploration & new ventures.
Strategic planning.
Business development.
Contact an expert
Optimise the outcomes of fiscal discussions. Wood Mackenzie has 250 analysts located in every operational hub globally, covering all aspects of the upstream sector.