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Upstream Company Valuations

Quickly evaluate and test company portfolios using our interactive online valuation platform.

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Upstream Company Valuations

Get fast access to high quality company valuations and seize profitable opportunities quicker than your competitors.

Create company valuations quickly and easily

As competition intensifies, you need to assess opportunities quickly and accurately.

Our Upstream Company Valuations tool provides instant access to prepopulated valuation data you can trust and enables you to create customised company valuations.

Powered by Global Economic Model (GEM), the industry's leading economic modelling platform, this online tool makes it easier to screen investment and divestment opportunities. Its robust functionality enables you to see the valuation of oil and gas companies and generate both company cash flows and company interest in asset cash flows using our predefined prices or your own Brent forward curve price assumptions. You can also perform price and operational sensitivity analysis.

Online tool with features that simplify upstream company valuations

Quickly value more than 2,000 companies, benchmark your portfolio against peers, and evaluate competitor portfolios with features that simplify your company analysis workflow.

Features at a glance

Benchmark your portfolio against peers, run corporate valuations (including subsidiaries) using your own price assumptions, and evaluate competitor portfolios or potential corporate- and asset-level acquisition targets.

With Upstream Company Valuations, quickly run and test tailored company valuations:

  • Test economics of companies using our predefined assumptions or your own three-year Brent forward curve
  • Access historical asset-level data to ensure fiscal terms are accurately assessed
  • Customise price, asset level, sensitivity analysis options and valuation settings
  • Ensure accuracy of tax ring fencing in company-level valuations
  • Filter assets in the company's portfolio for specific themes such as development status, shore status and hydrocarbon type 
  • Access your dashboard anytime, anywhere and easily download reports with KPIs and tables to Excel
  • Apply

    our predefined assumptions or incorporate your own

  • Access

    all data through a web-based platform

  • Filter

    assets by theme to quickly find what you're looking for

Designed for you

Learn how Upstream Company Valuations can help.