Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services
Access unique, in-depth insight into global integrated refinery-petrochemicals assets
Navigate the energy transition with reliable forecasts and in-depth market coverage
The oil market and refining industry has undergone major changes over the last few years. With innovations driving the energy transition, navigating the complexities and changing conditions of the oil value chain is a monumental task. Companies need access to reliable, up-to-date data, and the necessary analytics tools to gain a comprehensive view of the industry, integrating a deep understanding of asset behaviour with market perspectives.

Features and workflows
Quickly adapt to market conditions, develop sustainable strategies, optimise profitability, and maximise commercial advantage.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services:
- Assess key elements influencing current & mid-cycle margins.
- Analyse refinery transactions, from asset sale details to valuation.
- Benchmark refineries on over 140 metrics to assess competitive advantage.
- Evaluate integrated refining-petrochemical assets.
- Quickly screen scenarios representing various combinations of investments, feedstocks and markets.
Wood Mackenzie's Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services provide data including:
- Historical net cash margin models for 500+ refineries.
- Crude assay library with over 300 assays.
- Detailed profiles on more than 700 refineries including benchmarking against 140+ metrics.
- Global refinery investments data including project status, costs and expected completion dates.
- Refinery benchmarking data to provide a view of individual integrated refinery-petrochemical profiles or groups of sites across the world.
- 200+ global integrated refinery-petrochemical site models.
Wood Mackenzie's Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services enable a number of key workflows including:
- Assess key elements influencing current & mid-cycle margins.
- Analyse asset profitability under various operating conditions.
- Evaluate effect of unit shutdowns and refinery maintenance.
Competition benchmarking
- Evaluate global investment plans and their impact on competitive position.
- Perform scenario analysis to evaluate potential future impacts on the global refining industry outlook.
Why choose WoodMac’s Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services?
Wood Mackenzie’s unique combination of industry-leading refining data and trusted analysts provides a comprehensive global view of integrated refining-petrochemical assets to assess site and value chain competitiveness.
Our refinery chemicals-integration services
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie’s Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Some of the deliverables for our Refinery-Chemicals Integration Services are:
- Annual publication of financial model file.
- Quarterly publication of integrated refinery-petrochemical project investments, infrastructure and transactions.
- Quarterly update of project status and assessment of project likelihood.
- Historical net cash margin models and forecasts for 500+ refineries.
- Detailed profiles on more than 700 refineries including benchmarking against 140+ metrics.
- Market Analysts
Assess key elements influencing current & mid-cycle margins.
Analyse refinery transactions, from asset sale details to valuation.
Benchmark refineries on over 140 metrics to assess competitive advantage.
Understand themes and trends impacting refining economics.
- Strategic
Generate and maintain supply and demand balances by using pipeline flow data to track import-export movements or serve as a real-time proxy for regional production dynamics.
- Finance Officers and Risk Managers
Assess financial positions with exposure to crude oil prices in real-time.
Mitigate risk by understanding potential supply and demand imbalances via pipeline flow data. Real-time pipeline flow data can provide insights and guidance for crude oil price hedging, crack spread hedging, and spot market activity and price hedging.
Contact an expert
Refiners are at a crossroads, facing mounting pressure from the emerging energy transition. Get in touch with one of our experts today to learn how you can develop new strategies to build sustainable business models that diversify from producing sole transport fuels.