Energy transition outlook: archive

A look back at previous reports shows how the outlook is evolving over time

Energy transition outlook: archive

A look back at previous reports shows how the outlook is evolving over time

Our latest energy transition outlook report is the 2024/25 edition, published in October 2024. In it, you’ll find a detailed exploration of four energy transition scenarios:

  • Base case: our assessment of the most likely outcome, corresponding to 2.5 ˚C warming, incorporating the evolution of current policies and technology advancement.
  • Country pledges: our view of how countries’ existing emissions targets are achieved, roughly in line with a 2 ˚C degree warming trajectory.
  • Net zero by 2050: a credible pathway of how the 2015 Paris Agreement of 1.5 ˚C warming by 2100 is achieved.
  • Delayed transition: assumes a five-year delay to global decarbonisation efforts due to ongoing geopolitical barriers, reduced policy support for new technologies and cost headwinds.

You can explore the latest report to get our latest view of the energy transition outlook. You can also access the executive summary of last year’s edition by filling in the form on this page.