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5 signs of recovery in Asia Pacific upstream oil and gas
Why confidence may return in 2019
1 minute read
Angus Rodger
Vice President, SME Upstream APAC & Middle East

Angus Rodger
Vice President, SME Upstream APAC & Middle East
Angus leads our benchmark analysis of global Pre-FID delays, and deep water developments.
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Will Asia Pacific's upstream sector finally emerge from the downturn in 2019? Despite some local pockets of optimism in 2018, there's still a sense that recovery has yet to fully take hold in the region. However, rising demand, new exploration activity and a refresh of government policy should bring renewed confidence in the year ahead.
Our Asia Pacific upstream oil and gas analysts have come together to highlight their top five themes that could signpost the recovery in 2019.
To find out more about these five points from senior members of the APAC oil and gas upstream team, Angus, Nicholas Browne, and Andrew Harwood, listen to their podcast below.
Podcast: 2019 oil and gas outlook for Asia Pacific
Listen in on the Asia Pacific oil and gas research team as they gaze into their crystal ball and run down some of their top themes and events to look for in 2019. Will the recent oil price rollercoaster flatten out? What are the implications for regional E&P activity? What will be the impact on gas and LNG markets?