Products & services

Sourcing Intelligence

A centralised platform to efficiently plan, launch and coordinate sourcing events.

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Drive procurement savings and efficiencies in bid activity

Sourcing events can be time-consuming and involve several different stakeholders. Sourcing Intelligence® enables you to generate projects faster, improve negotiation strategies with suppliers and monitor material costs with our aggregated data platform.

Features and workflows

Our Sourcing Intelligence platform is specifically designed for the energy and natural resources industry to make competitive bidding easy and efficient.

Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Sourcing Intelligence:

  • Accelerate strategic sourcing activity through reduced cycle time.
  • Unearth hidden margin and gain negotiation leverage through granular bid data analysis.
  • Easily collaborate with business stakeholders across engineering, finance, operations, leadership, and procurement.
  • Centrally track, measure, and report on savings over time
  • Automate the collection and organisation of data from both buyers and suppliers.
  • Create public events and increase visibility across a broader pool of suppliers.

Wood Mackenzie's Sourcing Intelligence provides data including:

  • 125K+ bid events hosted.
  • 130K+ supplier base.
  • A centralised platform for the execution of sourcing events.
  • Access to over 100,000 suppliers currently registered to the platform through the supplier search functionality.

Wood Mackenzie's Sourcing Intelligence enables a number of key workflows including:

Supply chain management:

  • Gain a better understanding of historical spend to identify cost reduction opportunities.
  • Cleanse historical transactional data to obtain visibility into enterprise recurring spend.
  • Inform cost reduction opportunity identification and category strategy development.


Project management:

  • Understand historical costs to inform cost management for new projects.
  • Inform project cost estimation and analyse budgeted versus actual cost performance across historical projects.
  • Leverage automated information gathering and centralised bid management which allows buyers to shift to more impactful activities.

Why choose Wood Mackenzie's Sourcing Intelligence?:

The modules within our Supply Chain Intelligence Platform offer data and insights to support cost reduction, risk management and performance improvement. Sourcing Intelligence features standardised data collection and reporting, go-to-market templates, customisable datasheets, a KPI tracking system and access to our database of suppliers.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie’s Sourcing Intelligence. If you have any other questions, get in touch.

We offer additional insights including:

  • Our Contract Management Platform to efficiently manage contracts and track performance
  • Our Supplier Onboarding and Management Platform to qualify supplier information and manage your supplier base

Our Sourcing Intelligence platform allows you to gain negotiation leverage through bid data analysis​ and communicate with business stakeholders across multiple industry roles. Easily track, measure, and report on savings through an automated data collection process.

Wood Mackenzie offers unmatched support from our expert, in-house analysts to answer questions around the volatile supply chain market and the driving forces behind cost movements.

Contact an expert

Whether you are looking for ways to easily manage your sourcing activity, create bid events, or gain visibility to a wider net of suppliers, our experts are available to advise you. Contact us today.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
The Hong Kong Container Terminal at dusk.