Elham is responsible for microgrid and distribution automation research in North America. She supports research on microgrid and distribution automation technologies and development, and she establishes and maintains relationships with microgrid developers, behind-the-meter generation developers, utilities, and distribution automation technology providers. As a senior member of the Grid Edge team, Elham’s data-driven research and studies provide actionable insights for investors and their business developments in the microgrid space.
Elham has over 9 years of experience in areas of power energy, renewable energy, microgrids, electric vehicle integration, and autonomous infrastructure. Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie, Elham was a Member of the Technical Staff at s2e Technologies Developments Inc., Ontario, Canada, where she led an e-mobility and green transportation project, with a focus on high density EV deployment and an automated parking infrastructure development, located in London, Ontario. She also had a key role in an extensive feasibility study and design of a smart community microgrid with 4-MW of on-site solar.
Elham holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Power Systems, from University of Waterloo, Canada. Her dissertation focused on demand-side-management with smart operation of aggregated EV charging and vehicle-to-grid participation.
PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
MSc, Electrical Engineering, Azad University, Iran
BSc, Electronic Engineering, University of Guilan, Iran