
Coal, carbon emissions and cost: Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism in action

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First legislated in 2016, the Safeguard Mechanism is a vital component of Australia’s ambitious strategy to manage and reduce emissions from its largest industrial facilities. The scheme was reformed in 2023 and introduced a standard annual baseline decline rate of 4.9%, signifying a commitment to a sustainable future as each facility’s emissions allowance decreases annually. This transformation invites us to contemplate the implications for coal mines that demonstrate varying emissions profiles among different mine types. Explore the report to unlock valuable insights into the evolving landscape of Australia's Safeguard Mechanism and its broader implications for the coal sector.

Table of contents

  • Overview of the Safeguard Mechanism
  • Coal mining emissions profile
  • Carbon cost analysis
  • Strategies for carbon abatement and outlook

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Australia's Safeguard Mechanism In Action.pdf

    PDF 861.79 KB