
Indonesian coal producers under pressure but coping

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We recently conducted a research trip to Indonesia talking to a range of coal industry participants. The overall impression we formed was of an industry under pressure but finding ways to adjust and survive. The main findings were that significant reductions in production cost have kept most producers in the game, strip ratio reductions are significant and not sustainable long-term without significant reserve impact, most larger producers have maintained volumes despite the reduction in export volumes and government regulation remains an issue.

Table of contents

  • Significant reductions in production cost have kept most producers in the game
  • Strip ratio reductions – not sustainable long-term without significant reserve impact
  • Most larger producers have maintained volumes despite reduced competitiveness of Indonesian coal
  • Government regulation remains an issue for Indonesian producers

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Indonesia research trip insights.pdf

    PDF 787.19 KB

  • Document

    Indonesian coal producers under pressure but coping

    PDF 254.18 KB