
Carbon offsets I. - The framework driving the net zero of tomorrow

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How will the world achieve net-zero carbon in 30-50 years, when some emissions just cannot be eliminated? Carbon offsets, traded in the voluntary markets, can help compensate for those residual emissions that current technology can’t abate. However, the effectiveness of carbon offsets as a decarbonisation instrument has been criticised. COP26 recently helped improve the credibility and reliability of carbon markets, but what is the role of offsets in the energy transition? This insight is the first in a three-part series focused on the voluntary carbon markets. It provides an overview of the sector, looking at the importance of carbon offsets for achieving energy transition goals, the operation of the carbon markets, the main types of carbon offset projects, and potential ways that markets could develop.

Table of contents

  • Why offsets are important for energy-intensive companies
  • Why rely on market-based solutions to achieve decarbonisation?
  • What makes an offset: carbon projects
  • How the voluntary carbon market works
  • Global carbon markets: the next step?
  • Voluntary carbon markets are here to stay

Tables and charts

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What's included

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  • Document

    Carbon offsets I. - The framework driving the net zero of tomorrow.pdf

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