
Hydrogen Delegated Acts: Implications of Europe’s new rules

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The European Commission released the long-awaited hydrogen Delegated Acts. These Acts define the rules for electricity used to produce hydrogen and for the carbon intensity of hydrogen and its derivates. The new rules will have a far-reaching impact as they must be followed by both domestic hydrogen producers and those looking to import hydrogen to the EU. They will have a far-reaching impact, as +30% of the hydrogen project pipeline is targeting exports. Developers in the Middle East, USA, Canada, Egypt, Australia and elsewhere will need to demonstrate they meet rules laid out in both of the Delegated Acts.

Table of contents

    • Co-located renewables
    • Grid Connection
    • Wood Mackenzie’s view
    • Additionality, temporal and geographical correlation
    • Temporal Reporting
    • Additionality
    • The share of renewable supply and carbon intensity of grids will influence the competitiveness of green hydrogen projects
  • Carbon intensity threshold for hydrogen and derivatives

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Chart 6: Emissions intensity for hydrogen imported as ammonia into Germany in 2026
  • Table 1: Additionality, temporal and geographical correlation
  • Chart 1: Year-on-year renewable supply and electrolyser demand for Europe, TWh
  • Chart 2: Renewable supply share by bidding zone in Europe, 2022
  • Chart 3: Renewable supply share by bidding zone in Europe, 2027
  • Chart 4: Carbon intensity by bidding zone in Europe, 2022
  • Chart 5: Carbon intensity by bidding zone in Europe, 2028

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Hydrogen Delegated Acts - Implications of Europe’s new rules.pdf

    PDF 562.09 KB