
Will REPowerEU accelerate the energy transition?

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The European Commission's REPowerEU plan aims to rapidly reduce reliance on Russian energy imports, without derailing net zero ambitions. Renewable generation targets call for a 15% increase over the already ambitious Fit-for-55 plan. With hydrogen requiring an even bigger leap. Phasing out imports of Russian coal and oil is already within sight, but gas is a much more difficult proposition. Incremental LNG imports – near- and long-term – will play a much bigger role than piped gas alternatives. All of the targets laid out in the REPowerEU plan are a stretch. Member states must act quickly to implement the measures with targeted policies and funding. Doing so will put Europe in a better position to deliver against its net zero targets.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • EU-27 solar and wind generation capacity (2030)
  • EU-27 Hydrogen supply and demand (2030)
  • Additional gas supply to EU-27 from non-Russian sources (2030)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Will REPowerEU accelerate the energy transition?

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