
Europe gas supply: 2016 in review

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Market fundamentals in Europe tightened in 2016. Gas demand increased by 29 bcm year-on-year, supported by coal retirals in the UK, high coal prices, nuclear outages in France, and cold weather towards the end of the year. With indigenous production and LNG imports remaining relatively flat, Algeria and Russia were able to boost pipeline exports to Europe. In particular, pipeline imports from Russia reached a record-high in 2016 totalling 171 bcm, 11% up from 2015 levels, and representing around 35% of European demand.

Table of contents

  • Europe gas supply: 2016 in review

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • European gas supply mix
  • European gas supply mix 2016 vs 2015

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Europe gas supply 2016 in review.xls

    XLS 355.00 KB

  • Document

    European energy month in brief gas data January 2017.xls

    XLS 204.00 KB

  • Document

    Europe gas supply: 2016 in review

    PDF 269.23 KB