Asset Report

First Gen Batangas (interim FSRU)

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FirstGen Interim FSRU, also called BW Batangas, is an operational LNG import terminal in Santa Rita, Batangas, Philippines, employs a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) to replace depleting domestic production from Malampaya gas field resources. First Gen Corp proposed the project in December 2018, initially planning an onshore facility before pivoting to an interim offshore solution. Construction began in late 2019, with commercial cargo arriving in August 2023 and the terminal officially commissioned in September 2023. FGEN LNG Corp, a First Gen Corp subsidiary, owns the terminal. First Gen holds an 80% stake, while Tokyo Gas holds a share of 20%. The project utilizes the BW Batangas FSRU, formerly known as BW Paris, which arrived in Batangas Bay in June 2023. This strategic shift to an FSRU-based terminal demonstrates the project's adaptability in meeting urgent energy needs.

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    First Gen Batangas (interim FSRU)

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