
Venture Global breaks the mould with FID for Calcasieu Pass LNG

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The FID is a huge achievement. It followed financial close on $5.8 billion in debt financing, which, in addition to Stonepeak's earlier commitment of $1.3 billion in equity financing, enables Venture Global to move forward with full construction. Notice to proceed was issued to Baker Hughes GE for the supply of 18 modularized trains that will provide 10 mmtpa of nameplate capacity. Venture Global is targeting start up in 2022. If it succeeds in delivering the Calcasieu Pass LNG project, it could be disruptive to the LNG industry. Calcasieu Pass will be the world's largest-scale modularized LNG plant - a "plug and play" design concept aimed at delivering the lowest-cost US LNG.

Table of contents

    • Implications
    • A business disruptor?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • The second wave: recent FIDs & pre-FID marketing momentum

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Venture Global breaks the mould with FID for Calcasieu Pass LNG

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