
Global economic outlook H1 2021: the great rebound?

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Covid-19 vaccination programmes are elevating expectations of a return to ‘normal’ for the global economy. Is 2021 to be the great rebound? After a sluggish start to the year, we expect economic growth to accelerate. Global GDP will expand 4.3% this year in our view, adding US$4 trillion to economic output. In this Insight, we assess the drivers of economic growth and look at the potential for the pandemic to have a lasting impact on the global economy.

Table of contents

  • Can economies catch up?
  • What will drive growth?
  • Sovereign debt: sustainable does not mean optimal
  • Pandemic footprint visible on global economy

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • China: GDP increase by sector
  • Low-income jobs not fully recovered
  • Central bank share of bond buying
  • Debt interest payments are manageable
  • GDP level to double by 2050

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    GDP Forecast Q1 2021

    XLS 1.41 MB

  • Document

    Global economic outlook H1 2021: the great rebound?

    PDF 856.92 KB