Asset Report

Aguablanca restart nickel project

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Aguablanca mine ceased production in 2015 and the owner, Lundin Mining, divested the mine to Valoriza Mineria the following year. Valoriza subsequently disposed of the mine to Claudenia Participaciones Empresariales S.L. in 2021, who requested to extend the validity of the EIS for the underground exploitation of the mine. Later in November 2023, RNR was acquired by Denarius Metals, with the exploiting rights of Aguablanca nickel-copper mine. Denarius Metals has released a Pre Feasibility Study (PFS) supporting the restart of Aguablanca project and plans to start processing at the end of 2024 and deliver nickel-copper concentrate production in early 2025.

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  • Mining
  • Process

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    Aguablanca restart nickel project

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