Asset Report

Angostura gold mine project

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Angostura project is a high-sulphidation epithermal deposit. Based on the 2012 Preliminary Economic Assessment, it is expected to be mined by underground methods such as sub-level stoping with fill, bench & fill stoping, and cut &fill for 10 years. The ore will be recovered through a 6kt/d processing plant. In August, the Colombian National Mining Agency denied Eco Oro a 2-year extension of the exploration phase of its principal mining title because 50.73% of the principal existing concession falls within a preservation area (Santurbán Páramo).

Table of contents

  • Summary
  • Key issues
  • Mining
  • Processing

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Angostura Project gold mine

    XLS 115.50 KB

  • Document

    Angostura gold mine project

    PDF 1.12 MB