Asset Report

Baotou Huading copper smelter

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Baotou Huading smelter is operated by Baotou Huading Copper Industry Development Co., Ltd, which is located southeast of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, China. The smelter was built with a blast furnace of 30 ktpa blister capacity in 2003, and upgraded to bottom-blown smelting in 2009 and bottom-blown converting in 2019. With the transforming project, the smelter operates by continuous smelting, converting and fire-refining stages, with molten matte and blister flow by the force of gravity, to avoid the transferring of intermediates and improve heat efficiency. The smelting capacity was also expanded to 100 ktpa of copper anode and 600 ktpa of sulphuric acid.

Table of contents

  • Flowsheet
  • Smelting process
  • Feed preparation
  • Auxiliary plants

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Baotou Huading copper smelter

    PDF 1.14 MB