Asset Report

Bor copper smelter

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Mining and smelting commenced at Bor in 1904. At commissioning the smelter used water jacketed shaft furnaces as the prime smelting units. In 1934 a completely new smelter was constructed using seven shaft furnaces and six converters and by 1940 had a capacity of 43kt/a copper. Subsequently, reverberatory furnaces were installed to replace the shaft furnaces and, by 1972, the capacity had reached 130kt/a copper in anode. In 1979 an oxygen plant was added which effectively increased...

Table of contents

  • Flowsheet
  • Feed preparation
  • Smelting process
  • Auxiliary plants

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Bor copper smelter

    PDF 1.66 MB