Asset Report

Copper Cliff (closed) copper smelter

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The smelter was commissioned in 1930 as a copper/nickel smelter and many process schemes have been used since that time. Initially the smelting of copper concentrates was undertaken in reverberatory furnaces but in 1952 the use of the Inco flash furnace was introduced, and it was ultimately the only furnace used for copper concentrates. Since 1948, the nickel smelter has been separating Cu and Ni by slowly cooling matte, followed by crushing, grinding and flotation of Cu2S and Ni3S2...

Table of contents

  • Flowsheet
  • Feed preparation
  • Smelting process
  • Auxiliary plants

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Copper Cliff (closed) copper smelter

    PDF 1.17 MB