Asset Report

Enterprise nickel project

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Enterprise lies in the north-western portion of the Trident project which comprises the Enterprise Nickel Project and the Sentinel Copper Project. Although Enterprise is a stand-alone region of nickel sulphide mineralisation, it was being developed as an integral part of the large Sentinel copper project which is also owned 100% by FQM. It was anticipated that operational synergies would be very important and the sharing of infrastructure would be advantageous to Enterprise both during the construction and operational phases. The company has however stated that at current metal prices the processing of ore from Enterprise has been 'deferred indefinitely'.

Table of contents

  • Emissions
  • Mining
  • Process
  • Cashflow

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Enterprise Emission Intensity Quartile Ranking - total global production - tonnes Ni equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 660.50 KB

  • Document

    Enterprise nickel project

    PDF 1.59 MB