Asset Report

Galore Creek copper mine project

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Galore Creek is a porphyry deposit expected to be mined by conventional open pit method. The ore is to be processed in a 95kt/d conventional concentrator plant to produce copper concentrate containing gold and silver. Galore Creek is located in northwestern British Columbia. It is a 50/50 joint venture of Newmont Corporation and Teck Resources following the sale of the 50% stake held by NovaGold Resources to Newmont in July 2018. The project had been suspended in 2007 following a substantial increase in development capex. Since then, the JV partners have been conducting further drilling and optimization studies. Following the sale of the 50% stake to Newmont, it is anticipated that prefeasibility studies will take 3-4 years to complete.

Table of contents

  • Summary
  • Key issues
  • Emissions
  • Mining
  • Process

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Galore Creek Emission Intensity Quartile ranking - total global production - tonnes Cu equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Galore Creek copper mine project

    XLS 360.00 KB

  • Document

    Galore Creek copper mine project

    PDF 1.38 MB