Asset Report

Lennard Shelf (Restart) zinc mine

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The Lennard Shelf project is a Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposit located on the northern edge of the Canning Basin in NW Western Australia. In September 2018, Metalicity completed the sale of its Admiral Bay and Lennard Shelf zinc projects to a newly created Canadian subsidiary, Kimberley Mining Limited. Metalicity will retain approximately 40% of the expanded capital of Kimberley Mining post the listing on TSX-V. Metalicity considers Napier Range Zinc Project as a high-grade, near surface and potentially low capital near term development project that could possible be a starter mine to part finance the development of Admiral Bay.

Table of contents

  • Summary
  • Key issues
  • Emissions
  • Processing

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Lennard Shelf Restart Emission Intensity Quartile Ranking - total global production - tonnes Zn equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Lennard Shelf (Restart) zinc mine

    XLS 361.50 KB

  • Document

    Lennard Shelf (Restart) zinc mine

    PDF 1.52 MB