Asset Report

McArthur River zinc mine

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McArthur River is an open pit zinc-lead-silver mine, exploiting a large sedimentary stratiform orebody located in the Northern Territory. The mine was converted to an open pit in 2009, mining ore at a rate of 2.5Mtpa. In 2013, Glencore Xstrata announced that it would proceed with the US$360M expansion of the open pit, which would enable mining throughput of 5.5Mtpa by the end of 2014 and correspond with an increase in concentrate production from 360ktpa to 800ktpa. In October 2015 Glencore announced that it would reduce mined zinc production by 500,000tpy across its operations in Australia, South America and Kazakhstan. Glencore explained that the reductions were necessary to preserve the value of the company's reserves in the ground at a time of low lead and zinc commodity prices. At McArthur River output would be cut by 135,000tpy of zinc-in-concentrate. In addition up to 70 jobs would be made redundant at the site.

Table of contents

  • Emissions
  • Mining
  • Open Pit
  • Underground
  • Process

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • McArthur River Emission Intensity Quartile Ranking – total global production - tonnes Zn equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

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