Asset Report

Niquel Tocantins - Closed nickel operation

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Mining and the laterite roast-leach and carbonate production operations commenced in 1981 at Niquelândia. The initial nickel production capacity of the plant was 5k t/a, and cobalt was produced as a mixed hydroxide product from a nickelic precipitation process. As the production capacity of the plant was increased, SxEw was introduced to the flowsheet. In 1992 the nickel production capacity was raised to 10k t/a and in 1997 a capital expansion of $134.4M was approved to increase the capacity. The operation was placed on care and maintenance in 2016 due to continued operating losses.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Cashflow

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 287.50 KB

  • Document

    Niquel Tocantins nickel operation flowsheet

    PDF 15.72 KB

  • Document

    Niquel Tocantins - Closed nickel operation

    PDF 1.33 MB