Asset Report

Pobuzhsky nickel operation

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Prior to its acquisition by Solway in 2003, Pobuzhsky (built in 1972) had been under receivership and idle for more than 3 years due to unprofitable processing of low-grade nickel ore from the local open pits. Solway entered into long-term partnerships with suppliers of high-grade nickel ore from Indonesia and New Caledonia and metal trading companies in Europe. Within a year of new management the plant was relaunched and two modernized 33 MW electric furnaces became operational. As a result of these measures the total processing capacity of the plant reached 1.5Mt/a.

Table of contents

  • Process

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  • Document

    Pobuzhsky nickel operation

    XLS 550.00 KB

  • Document

    Pobuzhsky nickel operation

    PDF 1.25 MB