
POSCO deepens alliance with Black Rock

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POSCO has strengthened its relationship with junior miner Black Rock Mining with a US$ 40 million investment, guaranteeing the steel and battery anode giant the entirety of fine flake graphite production from the first two modules at the proposed Mahenge mine, Tanzania. However, with ambitious plans to reduce China's dominance of anodes, POSCO will need to invest even more throughout the entire value chain.

Table of contents

  • The deal:
  • The mine:
    • Decoupling from China’s anode supply will be no easy feat
    • POSCO’s compliance with the IRA will depend on the availability of ex-China flake supply

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Timeline of POSCO's interest in Black Rock Mining
  • Mahenge mine (Faru Graphite) equity ownership
  • Mahenge resources and reserves
  • China continues to dominate anode supply chain, despite efforts
  • South Korea continues to rely on China for graphite
  • In order to meet flake requirements, POSCO will need to invest further in the graphite supply chain

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    POSCO deepens alliance with Black Rock

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