Asset Report

Savannah  - Closed nickel operation

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Open pit production commenced in 2004 with underground production commencing in 2005. Initial capital costs were $39 million. Current reserves and resources are sufficient to provide a mine life through to around 2018. However, in early 2014 Panoramic Resources announced the discovery of Savannah North, and later in August 2015 reported the Interim Savannah North Mineral Resource estimate. The company expects that the discovery will have a significant impact on mine life, adding more than eight years according to a 2016 scoping study.

Table of contents

  • Mining
  • Process
  • Cashflow

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 274.00 KB

  • Document

    Savannah nickel operation flowsheet

    PDF 67.78 KB

  • Document

    Savannah  - Closed nickel operation

    PDF 1.22 MB