Asset Report

Tongling (Jinchang) (closed) copper smelter

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Jinchang smelter whose former name was Tongling No.2 smelter is a subsidiary of Tongling Tongdu Tongye Stock Co., Ltd. and was constructed by Anhui Tongling Group Co., Ltd. with a designed capacity of 30 kt/a of copper blister, 30 kt/a of copper cathode, 80 kt/a of sulphuric acid and 550 t/a of copper sulphate in April, 1971. Its raw material, copper concentrate, was supplied by local mines. The smelter started trial operation with capacity in May 1978 and was officially put into production...

Table of contents

  • Flowsheet
  • Feed preparation
  • Smelting process
  • Auxiliary plants
  • Environmental

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Tongling (Jinchang) (closed) copper smelter

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