
Transition resource rents: establishing a fair share

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Transition resources are in high demand, short supply and prices have risen sharply. The demand for wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, electricity cables, electric vehicles, hydrogen production units and other renewable energy equipment will soar in coming years. A lot more investment is needed to enable the energy transition as a viable proposition. All stakeholders will need to embrace a new, more collaborative working relationship to ensure the world gets sustainable supplies of the key commodities it needs.

Table of contents

    • Competition for transition resource investment is increasing
    • Relationship between investors, government and local communities is key
    • Fiscal options for transition resources
    • The fiscal future for transition resources?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Increase in demand for transition resources 2021-30
  • Geographic concentration of natural resources [1]
  • Lithium supply, 2021-30
  • Alignment of varied interests is key to success
  • Selected commodity price indices, 2005-21
  • Lithium price index, 2005-21
  • Chile’s proposed copper concentrate royalty rate
  • Share of copper price under proposed royalty terms
  • Taxable income under one-year and 20-year depreciation schedules
  • 1. Top three producers (2022-40)
  • 2. Petroleum vs mining

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Transition resource rents: establishing a fair share

    PDF 2.08 MB