Indonesia Malay exploration basin
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Summary and key issues:
- Oligocene-Miocene oil & gas
Prospective resource costs and underlying development assumptions
- Oligocene-Miocene oil & gas
- Economic analysis
- Prospect economics -Oligocene-Miocene oil & gas
- Licensing and Fiscal terms
- Oil and gas prices
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- Exploration wells by play
- Exploration history map
- Acreage holders
- Creaming curve
- Prospective resource summary
- Unit value of potential discoveries
- Breakeven price of exploration
- Expected monetary value (EMV) at Base price
- Oil price assumption
- Gas price assumption
- play table
What's included
This report contains:
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