Commodity Market Report

Europe power markets 2022 outlook to 2050: Net zero power case

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This report presents a net zero case for Europe’s major power markets. In this outlook we have adapted the assumptions supporting our previous base case view, and introduced new ones, to move the electricity market background to a position in which net zero power supply is achieved before mid-century. In addition, the electrification of energy demand is a major theme in the net zero power case, helping the countries considered make progress towards overall net zero emissions close to 2050. The net zero power case provides hourly supply-demand, flow, and price data for Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and Belgium – in volume terms this group of markets represents two-thirds of the regional power market. In addition, we provide two price sensitivities, exploring the implications of alternative fuel and emissions price outcomes. A summary datafile accompanies this report and a full data set can be found in the Europe Power Tool.

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  • Document

    Europe power markets 2022 outlook to 2050_Summary_v3_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.88 MB