
European power volumes and prices: H1 2022 in review

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

European power is in turmoil, with the war in Ukraine having exacerbated the effects of the global energy crisis that took hold in 2021. High prices and, more widely, the unprecedented level of uncertainty facing Europe’s energy supply over the months ahead shine a renewed (and very bright) spotlight on the energy trilemma – security, sustainability and affordability. The surge in gas prices has been the biggest factor driving power prices, although this is far from the only issue at play. The power sector has been facing numerous other challenges, including: low hydro availability, low river levels in Germany putting coal deliveries at risk, and reduced availability across the French nuclear fleet. A development of our usual monthly volume and price tracker, this H1 review examines Europe’s largest electricity markets, exploring key trends, events and market dynamics over the past six months. The data supporting this report can be found in the accompanying excel download.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    European power volumes and prices - H1 2022 in review_PR.pdf

    PDF 913.54 KB

  • Document

    Power Data Pack Jul 22.xlsx

    XLSX 19.76 MB