Market Report

Global solar PV O&M economics 2024

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The Global Solar PV O&M Economics and Cost Data report offers a detailed analysis of the non-residential solar O&M market using data from the Renewable Asset Cost Modelling (RACM) tool. It examines global O&M market spending potential, breaking down annualized lifetime costs by project size. The report highlights pricing trends and regional segmentation, categorizing O&M costs across seven key activities: operations and administration, scheduled and corrective maintenance, inverter replacement, rack maintenance, vegetation management, and module washing. Aligned with Wood Mackenzie’s RACM tool, the report ensures consistent capex and opex data, aiding benchmarking, forecasting, and strategic planning. It provides actionable insights to optimize budgets, improve forecasting, and support informed decision-making.

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    PV O&M economics Q3 2024_pr.pdf

    PDF 800.74 KB