
Diesel/gasoil weathers the Covid-19 demand storm

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The transport fuel sector has borne the brunt of the Covid-19 demand shock as mobility restrictions brought global liquids demand to historic lows. However, diesel/gasoil demand globally is staging a stronger recovery than the others, surging ahead in H2 2020 and is on track to reach 2019 levels in 2022. Diesel/gasoil’s linkage to economic growth and its use in multiple sectors is behind this swifter recovery, and economic growth will continue to drive global demand in the long-term. In this insight, we review the following topics: • How did global diesel/gasoil demand fare in 2020, and what is the road ahead for 2021/2022? • What is driving the recovery in the US, Europe, China, India, and Brazil? • What’s ahead for diesel/gasoil demand in the next four years?

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Figure 1: Global transport fuel demand quarterly vs. 2019
  • Figure 2: Global diesel/gasoil demand outlook, 2020-2025

What's included

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  • Document

    Diesel/gasoil weathers the Covid-19 demand storm

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