
The climate neutrality conundrum for heavy duty transportation

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The European Green Deal has set a new trajectory for climate change policy in the European Union. The focus on net zero emissions by 2050 has resulted in a step change in sentiment around climate policy. While an electrified powertrain is now a viable means of decarbonising light duty and short distance travel, climate neutrality poses a much greater challenge for heavy duty and longer distance travel. This insight explores some of the emerging technologies for transport decarbonisation, which could play a role as Europe seeks to implement its net zero carbon policy.

Table of contents

    • The use of hydrogen as a transport fuel starts to gain traction
    • Series hybrid technologies are a key development for ICE investment
    • Biofuel market extends reach beyond road transportation
    • Synthetic methanol for shipping shows some promise
  • Summary of key points

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Base case outlook for European fuel use in heavy duty sectors in 2030
  • % share of global green hydrogen projects
  • Green hydrogen global installed capacity
  • CO2 emissions by type of EV
  • HVO refinery capacity in Europe

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    The climate neutrality conundrum for heavy duty transportation

    PDF 1.12 MB