
Global Upstream Update: our favourite slides and topics – September 2024

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The GUU is a regular Insight produced for global clients. This edition includes: 1) Regulatory inflection points: proposals to amend the UK’s capital allowance would vastly impact capex. In the US GoM, a recent environmental ruling spreads permit concerns. 2) Lower carbon opportunities: new geothermal engineering is lowering costs, but drilling needs to be faster. LatAm NOCs recognize a financing risk if portfolios don’t align with national emissions targets. 3) Shifting economics: the subsea tree market has done a good job of standardizing designs to control costs, but the benefit is running out. The risk/reward math of tight oil re-fracs is changing too, with recent buyers finally placing value on candidate wells. 4) Portfolio reviews: Europe offshore buyers are finding mature project upside. Thailand needs more capex to help offset its growing LNG import reliance. Iraq has line of sight into oil growth, but midstream investment needs to come first.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • The UK on a fiscal knife edge

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Upstream Update September 2024.pdf

    PDF 1.67 MB