
Malaysia offers Asia’s first CCS incentives

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Malaysia has proposed new CCS incentives in its 2023 Budget, initially for upstream projects, that provide the first concrete incentives in Asia for the carbon storage sector. The fiscal incentives are in the form of tax allowances for CCS capex spent, follow a similar format to those offered for capital-intensive projects and are slightly more generous. These incentives are urgently needed domestically to help develop Malaysia’s vast resources of high CO2 gas. We test the proposed incentives on PTTEP’s flagship Lang Lebah project.

Table of contents

  • What’s happened?
  • Malaysia’s essential CCS journey
  • Potential impact of the new CCS tax incentives
  • Will a carbon tax help?
  • Conclusion

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Malaysia undeveloped gas with CO2 contents between 8%-50% by field
  • Malaysia undeveloped gas with CO2 contents between 8%-50% by commerciality
  • Chart: Pre-FID CCS projects in APAC by country and project status
  • Chart: Impact of the planned CCS investment incentive on Lang Lebah development

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Malaysia offers Asia’s first CCS incentives

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