Russian Federation upstream summary
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Executive summary
- Key facts
- Location maps
Key companies
- State-owned companies
- Mid-tier companies
- International investors
- Reserves and production
- Acreage
- Summary
West Siberia
- Overview
- Central
- South Kara/Yamal Northern region
- Omsk/Nyurolka
- Yenisei/Bor
- Yenisei-Khatanga
- Reservoirs
- Overview
- Reservoirs
- Overview
- Structure
- Reservoirs
East Siberia
- Central area
- Reservoirs
- Vilyui basin
- Northern area
- Source rocks
Far East
- East Sakhalin basin
- West Kamchatka basin
- Baltic
North Caucasus
- Structure
- Reservoirs
- 2 more item(s)...
- Summary
- Early days
- Award of licences
- Strategic fields
- Recent developments
- Summary
- Onshore exploration
- Historical activity
Recent activity
- West Siberia
- Volga-Urals
- East Siberia
Offshore exploration
- Activity summary
- Barents Sea
- Pechora Sea
- Kara Sea
- Laptev Sea
- Chukchi Sea
- Black sea
- Sea of Okhotsk
Reserves and resources
- Summary
- Oil reserves estimate
- Gas reserves estimate
Oil and condensate
- Summary
- Historical production
- North Caucasus
- Volga-Urals
- West Siberia
- Timan-Pechora and Barents
- East Siberia
- Far East
- 3 more item(s)...
- Natural gas liquids (NGLs)
- Summary
- Historical production
- North Caucasus
- Volga-Urals
- West Siberia
- Timan-Pechora and Barents
- East Siberia and Far East
- Precaspian
- 1 more item(s)...
Oil and condensate
- Oil infrastructure
- Transneft-Ural
- Transneft-Prikamye
- Transneft-Verkhnyaya Volga
- Severniye Magistralniye Nefteprovody (SMN)
- Transneft-Druzhba
- Transneft-Privolga
- Chernomortransneft (Black Sea, Precaspian & Caucasus)
- Transneft-Baltika
- 14 more item(s)...
- Rail transport
- Road transport
- Oil refineries
Gas infrastructure
- Existing pipelines
- Brotherhood system
- Northern Lights system
- Yamal-Europe pipeline
- Bovanenkovo system
- Nord Stream
- The Central Asia Centre (CAC) pipeline system
- Soyuz system
- 5 more item(s)...
Gas processing and condensate stabilisation plants
- Gazprom
- Surgutneftegas
- Other GPPs
- Underground gas storage
- Introduction
Capital costs
- Capital expenditure by location
Operating costs
- Operating expenditure by location
Policy and regulation
- Key legislation
- Summary
- Key facts
Key legislation and regulatory bodies
- Law on the Subsoil
- Law on the Continental Shelf
- Law on Gas Supply
- Law on Gas Exports
- Law on Natural Monopolies
- Foreign Strategic Investments Law
- Law on flaring
- Tax Code
- 1 more item(s)...
Other legislation
- International treaties
- Paris climate agreement (2015)
- COP26 in Glasgow (2021)
Regulatory body
- Ministry of Energy
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- The State Duma and the Federation Council
- Ministry of Economic Development
- Federal Antimonopoly Service
State participation
- National Oil Company
- Oil Transportation Companies
- National Gas Company (Gazprom)
- International boundaries
- 1 more item(s)...
Fiscal terms
- Upstream
- Mid/Downstream
Current fiscal terms
- Basis
- Government equity participation
Royalty (Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)
- Ring fencing
- Base
- Onshore oil MET rate
- Onshore gas and condensate MET rate
- Offshore MET rate
- MET tax credits
- Payment schedule
Export Duty
- Ring fencing
- Base
- Onshore oil and condensate ED rate
- Onshore gas ED rate
- Offshore ED rate
- Payment schedule
Corporate income tax
- Ring fencing
- Base
- Rate
- Payment schedule
Other taxes
- Property tax
- Fiscal treatment of decommissioning
Product pricing
- Liquids pricing
- Natural gas pricing
- 3 more item(s)...
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- Oil and condensate production by region
- Gas production by region
- Key facts: Table 1
- Country map
- Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2025
- Net Acreage 2025
- Map of oil & gas provinces (west)
- Map of oil & gas provinces (central)
- Map of oil & gas provinces (east)
- Russian Arctic offshore blocks map (2013/14)
- Reserves and resources: Table 1
- Liquids and Gas Production and Reserves
- 80 more item(s)...
What's included
This report contains:
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