Asset Report

UK Central North Sea decommissioned fields

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This analysis covers decommissioned fields in the Central North Sea. Argyll AreaThe Argyll, Duncan and Innes fields were developed using a common semi-submersible production unit, the Deep Sea Pioneer. Innes ceased production in 1991, while the Argyll and Duncan fields ceased production in 1992. Decommissioning began on the Innes field in November 1992. The Duncan and Argyll fields were subsequently decommissioned between January 1993 and July 1993. The Argyll field was later redeveloped as ...

Table of contents

    • Argyll Area
    • Bladon & Blenheim
    • Buchan and Hannay
    • Curlew B, C and D
    • Dauntless & Durward
    • Donan
    • Ettrick & Blackbird
    • Fife Area
    • 6 more item(s)...

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    UK Central North Sea decommissioned fields

    PDF 820.35 KB

  • Document

    UK Central North Sea decommissioned fields

    XLS 3.50 KB