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Upstream oil and gas reports
PERTAMINA acquires a 24.53% stake in Maurel & Prom from Pacifico
PERTAMINA - Indonesia's NOC - will acquire Maurel & Prom's shares held by Pacifico, a company fully-owned by Maurel & Prom CEO Jean-Francois Henin....
Asia-Pacific Upstream Service Q4 2016 update
In our Australian CSG-LNG project analyses, we have included more detailed production and costs data for each of the supply areas. The sixth and fi...
Brazil Espirito Santo exploration basin
Over 1 billion barrels of oil have been discovered to date in the Espírito Santo Basin. With nearly 450 wells drilled, the basin has seen much less...
Wells to Watch 2022
In 2022, global exploration will continue a similar story to 2021. High impact, advantaged exploration will remain a top priority for explorers wit...
Russia & Caspian investment and cost trends: the end of the currency effect?
The Russia & Caspian region has seen some of the largest cuts in US$ upstream costs since the oil price fall. 2017 lifting costs have reduced by 22...
Upstream licensing round quarterly: all eyes on Latin America
Our exploration licensing round tracker keeps you up to date with all global licensing activity and trends. We detail the licensing rounds that hav...
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