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Downstream oil refining reports
RED III: Can the EU meet its ambitious transport decarbonisation targets?
Policy is a major driver for decarbonisation in the transport sector. The EU has been at the forefront of this in 2023, with the long-awaited revis...
Global product markets short-term outlook March 2023
This monthly update incorporates four global commodity market reports; Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and...
Karakudukmunai (KKM), a JV of Sinopec Group and Sinopec Corp, operates the Karakuduk oil field in southwest Kazakhstan.Karakuduk oil production pea...
Oil products price forecast update March 2023
This update incorporates all of the price forecasts, crude differentials and refining margins through to end-2024 on a regional level. Our monthly ...
Regional product markets short-term outlook March 2023
This update incorporates all of the regional crude runs and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2024 on a regional level. In t...
Asia product markets short-term outlook March 2023
This monthly update incorporates price forecasts and differentials, crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances now ...
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