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QCLNG - Train 1 - commercial overview
Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) Train 1 in Queensland (Australia) is part of the two-train LNG development operated by Shell. The QCLNG Train 1 comme...
QCLNG - Train 2 - commercial overview
Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) Train 2 in Queensland is part of a two-train LNG development operated by Shell. The QCLNG Train 2 commercial overview...
klaipeda - LNG regas terminal
The Klaipeda LNG terminal is located in the southern part of Klaipeda state seaport in Lithuania. It includes a 450m jetty, the floating storage an...
Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 10 October 2024
November TTF prices settle at $12.50/mmbtu after rising to $13 due to the contract rollover. As gas prices increase, coal becomes more competitive,...
GLNG - commercial overview
The GLNG project in Queensland is an integrated two-train coal seam gas (CSG) to LNG project. It is operated by a joint venture between Santos, PET...
Wheatstone LNG - commercial overview
Wheatstone LNG is a two-train LNG development supplied from the Chevron-operated Wheatstone and Iago gas fields and the Woodside-operated Julimar a...
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