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Sinopec signs 10-year SPA with Qatar Petroleum
On 22 March, Chinese NOC Sinopec signed a 2-mmtpa SPA for 10 years with Qatar Petroleum. Compared to its NOC peers, Sinopec is the least contracted...
Sengkang LNG - Commercial overview
The Sengkang LNG project in Indonesia is a 1-train LNG development that will be operated by Energy World Corporation. The Sengkang LNG commercial o...
Sergipe LNG - LNG regas terminal
Sergipe LNG is the floating offshore storage and regasification unit (FSRU) of Porto do Sergipe I, Brazil's first private-sector LNG-to-power proje...
Portovaya LNG - Commercial Overview
Portovaya LNG is a 1.5 mmtpa project near Vysotsk, about 95 miles (150 km) northwest of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Gazprom initially expected Portov...
Russia - can it become a top-3 LNG producer by 2030?
Russia is the second largest gas producer on the planet, but produces only 30 mmpta of LNG and has a global market share of 8%. This is clearly not...
Prince Rupert LNG
The Prince Rupert LNG report will no longer be updated following cancellation of the project.Prince Rupert LNG is a proposed 14.0-mmtpa LNG export ...
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