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Metals markets reports
The return of Indian iron ore exports - blip or trend?
India has always been an opportunistic exporter of iron ore and has shown this once again with its swift return to the seaborne market in response ...
The top five zinc smelting companies, a comparison of competitiveness
The major zinc smelting companies differ significantly in terms of size, facility type, location, power source and cost, and whether they are integ...
3D printing shapes the future of nickel in aerospace
There are considerable advantages to using 3D printing – additive manufacturing - to make jet engine components made from nickel alloys: shorter le...
The challenges of nickel supply in an EV world
The outlook for nickel is one of deepening deficits, falling stocks and rising prices. The widely anticipated expansion in electric vehicle (EV) sa...
Webinar slides: Copper Supply and Markets
Wood Mackenzie's copper experts discuss copper supply and markets in this 30 minute presentation.
China wants to decarbonise steel – is that possible?
China is mobilising its massive steel industry toward carbon neutrality by 2060. There are questions about just how realistic and effective its dec...
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