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Oil and gas markets reports
Global gas markets long-term outlook - Global demand - H1 2015
Global gas demand is expected to continue to grow at an average rate of 2.0% for the forecast period to 2035, which is in line with the historical ...
Global gas markets long-term outlook - LNG supply - H1 2015
Our latest view on liquefaction project start ups. Our analysis includes a strengthened outlook for US exports, with some 60 mmtpa of L48 exports i...
Global oil cost curves and pre-FID breakevens - updated H2 2022
This insight includes the key charts and conclusions from our most recent global breakeven analysis, which was updated in line with the Global Oil ...
Implications of a Biden administration for North America oil supply
President Biden promised to take unprecedented executive actions to drive historic progress on a clean energy revolution. From day one, he signed a...
12th annual Indonesian Energy Forum - new energy realities & opportunities
On March 21st, Wood Mackenzie held its 12th annual Indonesian Energy Forum in Jakarta. The event theme was 'How Corporates are Adjusting to New Ene...
2021 North America crude pipeline financial report
2020 was a turbulent year for the entire crude value chain in North America, and the midstream sector was particularly hard hit. FERC form 6 financ...
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